Black light ink tattoo for livestock
Black light ink tattoo for livestock

black light ink tattoo for livestock

black light ink tattoo for livestock

If done right, your goat's tattoo will be readable for the rest of his/her life. However the tattoo will grow as the animal’s ear grows bigger and some goat raisers feel the smaller tattoo “stretches” and becomes harder to read. The small sized tattooer is easier to fit in a goat kid’s ear. Either the small sized tattoo plier (also used for tattooing rabbits) or can be used on goats.


The pliers are clamped onto the hairless inside part of the goat’s ear causing the tiny spikes to press into the skin and leave a pattern of holes in the shape of the numbers and letters. Each block has a bunch of tiny metal spikes or pins sticking out from one side of it that form the shape of a number or letter. You must also purchase a series of metal digits or blocks that can be loaded into the pliers. Livestock tattoo pliers are available through most livestock supply catalogs and stores. Colored ink is worked into the holes and then the skin is allowed to grow over the ink, leaving a number or letter the color of the ink embedded in the animal’s skin. A pattern of holes in the shape of a number or letter is punctured into the skin. When the skin grows back over the holes the ink still shows through. Holes are punctured under your goat's skin and then filled with ink. Tattooing is an easy way to permanently identify your goat. Tattooing is currently the preferred method of permanent identification for most goat breed associations.

Black light ink tattoo for livestock